Sprouts Early Learning is our amazing Christian early childhood centre which provides education and care for children 0-6 years old. Our vision for Sprouts Early Learning is to provide a place where children are nurtured to grow and thrive and families are valued and supported.
Our educational program is based on a curriculum that includes each child’s development and learning journey. In everything that we do we find opportunities to teach children about the Bible and our personal relationship with Jesus.
The facilities boast naturalistic and beautiful learning environments with a landscaped outdoor area designed to embrace our surroundings and God’s incredible creation.
To find out more about Sprouts Early Learning go to sproutsshellharbour.com.au.

Sprouts Early Learning is our amazing Christian early childhood centre which provides education and care for children 0-6 years old. Our vision for Sprouts Early Learning is to provide a place where children are nurtured to grow and thrive and families are valued and supported.
Our educational program is based on a curriculum that includes each child’s development and learning journey. In everything that we do we find opportunities to teach children about the Bible and our personal relationship with Jesus.
The facilities boast naturalistic and beautiful learning environments with a landscaped outdoor area designed to embrace our surroundings and God’s incredible creation.
To find out more about Sprouts Early Learning go to sproutsshellharbour.com.au.

Playgroup is a friendly group of Mums and Carers and we would love to welcome and connect with you and your little one/s.
We meet each Monday Morning from 9:30am to 11:00am in the Church Courtyard, during school terms.
Our time together includes activities for children 0 to 5 years of age, along with a small group time including a short story and music.
If you would like to join us or have any questions about Playgroup, please click the button below, to fill in your info and someone from our Playgroup Team will be in touch.
We would love to meet you and your little ones!
Playgroup Enquiry

Playgroup is a friendly group of Mums and Carers and we would love to welcome and connect with you and your little one/s.
We meet each Monday Morning from 9:30am to 11:00am in the Church Courtyard, during school terms.
Our time together includes activities for children 0 to 5 years of age, along with a small group time including a short story and music.
If you would like to join us or have any questions about Playgroup, please click the button below, to fill in your info and someone from our Playgroup Team will be in touch.
We would love to meet you and your little ones!

FoodCare is an initiative of Shellharbour Community Church that seeks to provide an affordable grocery solution for families in our community. FoodCare offers a range of quality groceries for a fraction of the retail price to anyone holding a pension or low-income card, thanks to our generous supporters. Since FoodCare was pioneered in 2009 thousands of families in our community have been blessed through lower cost groceries and emergency relief food packs.
We love meeting new customers! Every Thursday and Friday we provide free morning tea and a place to connect with people as you get your groceries. We operate on a system where food is valued by ‘points’ which allows you to select the amount of and variety of groceries you need. We also offer free bakery, fruit and veg items when you purchase other grocery items to a value of 5 points or more.
We would love to be in touch! Call the church on 4297 3549 for any questions or follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with what’s happening.
Opening Hours:
Thursdays 10am – 1pm
Fridays 10am – 12pm

FoodCare is an initiative of Shellharbour Community Church that seeks to provide an affordable grocery solution for families in our community. FoodCare offers a range of quality groceries for a fraction of the retail price to anyone holding a pension or low-income card, thanks to our generous supporters. Since FoodCare was pioneered in 2009 thousands of families in our community have been blessed through lower cost groceries and emergency relief food packs.
We love meeting new customers! Every Thursday and Friday we provide free morning tea and a place to connect with people as you get your groceries. We operate on a system where food is valued by ‘points’ which allows you to select the amount of and variety of groceries you need. We also offer free bakery, fruit and veg items when you purchase other grocery items to a value of 5 points or more.
We would love to be in touch! Call the church on 4297 3549 for any questions or follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with what’s happening.
Opening Hours:
Thursday 10am-2:30pm

CityServe Shellharbour is a collaboration of the local regional churches, Council, local business and the community working together to transform our city through service. Our mission is to bring together volunteers from local churches to work within the Shellharbour community, especially (but not limited to) public spaces.
This is a unique collaborative approach to serving our city by linking many community organisations with a common goal. Shellharbour Community Church has been a part of CityServe since it was pioneered in 2013. We believe in the power of Christ driven service, and of unity between the churches in our city.
For more information about CityServe, or to register for an upcoming event, please visit cityserve.com.au/shellharbour.
Check our Events page for any events that we are involved with, or visit the CityServe website.

CityServe Shellharbour is a collaboration of the local regional churches, Council, local business and the community working together to transform our city through service. Our mission is to bring together volunteers from local churches to work within the Shellharbour community, especially (but not limited to) public spaces.
This is a unique collaborative approach to serving our city by linking many community organisations with a common goal. Shellharbour Community Church has been a part of CityServe since it was pioneered in 2013. We believe in the power of Christ driven service, and of unity between the churches in our city.
For more information about CityServe, or to register for an upcoming event, please visit cityserve.com.au/shellharbour.
Check our Events page for any events that we are involved with, or visit the CityServe website.

Illawarra Business Hub is a monthly meet up of business people and those with an interest in business in our region. We meet in a local café at 7am on the first Friday of the month to network with like-minded people and get trained and inspired by guest speakers who come to share from their area of expertise. We believe that excellence and integrity in business matters to God and helps transform our community. We would love you to join us! Like us on Facebook to stay up to date with upcoming events.

Illawarra Business Hub is a monthly meet up of business people and those with an interest in business in our region. We meet in a local café at 7am on the first Friday of the month to network with like-minded people and get trained and inspired by guest speakers who come to share from their area of expertise. We believe that excellence and integrity in business matters to God and helps transform our community. We would love you to join us! Like us on Facebook to stay up to date with upcoming events.

We are proud to be the only Christian Bookstore in the Illawarra, located right here on our church premises! For over twenty years the Manna Bookstore has served the wider community by making available a range of Christian resources including Bibles, books, CDs, DVDs, cards and gifts.
In a time where Christian bookstores are closing down in preference of an online presence, we believe it is important to maintain a welcoming place where people can come to browse and select quality Christian resources.
Our friendly and helpful volunteers are able to assist you with product selection and are also able to order in for you any books, CDs, gifts or other resources we may not have on hand.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Friday 9am-4pm
Sunday before and after the AM service

We are proud host be the only Christian Bookstore in the Illawarra, located right here on our church premises! For over twenty years the Manna Bookstore has served the wider community by making available a range of Christian resources including Bibles, books, CDs, DVDs, cards and gifts.
In a time where Christian bookstores are closing down in preference of an online presence, we believe it is important to maintain a welcoming place where people can come to browse and select quality Christian resources.
Our friendly and helpful volunteers are able to assist you with product selection and are also able to order in for you any books, CDs, gifts or other resources we may not have on hand.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Friday 9am-3:30pm
Sunday before and after the AM service